Ibeno Villagers applaud president Ruto for declining the 2024/2025 finance bill

Jun 27, 2024 - 12:14
Jun 28, 2024 - 16:43
 0  6
Ibeno Villagers applaud president Ruto for declining  the 2024/2025 finance bill

Villagers of Ibeno Ward in Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Kisii County, came together today to express their gratitude towards President William Ruto. The event was led by local community leader Benson Mariachana, who articulated the collective relief and appreciation of the villagers regarding the president's recent decision to decline the Finance Bill of 2024/2025.

Benson Mariachana, speaking on behalf of the villagers, highlighted the community's belief that President Ruto's decision reflects a deep understanding and concern for the everyday challenges faced by ordinary Kenyans. 

"The president's decision to reject the finance bill demonstrates his commitment to protecting the interests of the common man," Mariachana stated. "It is a clear indication that he has the best intentions for normal Kenyans at heart."

The Finance Bill of 2024/2025, if signed into law, would have introduced several new taxes and economic measures aimed at boosting the national economy. However, many critics argued that the bill would disproportionately impact low-income households, exacerbating the financial burdens on already struggling families.

In Ibeno Ward, a predominantly rural area where most residents depend on agriculture and small-scale trade, the proposed changes in the finance bill were met with significant apprehension. The community feared that increased taxes and reduced subsidies would make basic necessities unaffordable, leading to heightened economic strain.

President Ruto's decision to decline the bill has been seen as a move to protect vulnerable populations from potential economic hardships. His stance aligns with his administration's broader goals of fostering economic growth while ensuring that the most disadvantaged are not left behind. By rejecting the bill, President Ruto has sent a message that his government prioritizes the welfare of all Kenyans, especially those in rural and economically marginalized areas.

The villagers of Ibeno Ward expressed hope that the president's decision would pave the way for more inclusive economic policies. They called on the government to engage with local communities and stakeholders to draft a revised finance bill that balances national economic goals with the needs of the people. 

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