Kereri Girls High School information

Name of School: Kereri Girls High School Type: Extra County School County: Kenya KNEC Code: 40703103 Gender: Girls

Oct 9, 2023 - 15:49
 0  112
Kereri Girls High School information
kereri girls main entrance

Kereri Girls High School is a Public Secondary School, located in Kiogoro near Kisii Town, Nyaribari Chache Constituency in Kisii County, Kenya.We have posted this article about Kereri Girls High School to provide some of the basic information to our readers so they can know where to begin when in need of getting admitted to this school.The schools is registered by Kenya National Examinations Council to operate as a center for national examinations.

Kereri Girls High School, Kisii Class of 2018 | Facebook

Background to KNEC

Following the dissolution of the East African Community, KNEC was established under KNEC Cap 225A. The single educational system, the 7-4-2-3, was investigated. East African Certificate of Primary Education (EACPE), East African Certificate of Education Examination (EACE), and East African Advanced Certificate of Education were among the exams available (EAACE).

Kereri Girls High School KNEC Code

Kereri Girls High School is one among of the Extra County schools registered by Kenya National Examinations Council to conduct all secondary education examination’s matters. The registration code provided by Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) is 40703103.

Kereri Girls High School type

There are three types of secondary schools in Kenya – public, private, and harambe. Students with the best scores on the KCPE attend national public schools, while lower scoring students tend to attend provincial and district level schools.

Under this case there are National Schools (Kenya), County Schools, Cluster Schools and Sub county schools. Therefore, Kereri Girls High School is a Extra County schools. Kereri Girls High School is located in Kenya.

Kereri Girls High school location, contacts, form one selection KNEC code,  (2019-2020)KCSE results ⋆ Education News Updates

Gender for Kereri Girls High School

Kereri Girls High School is as been a Extra County school, is then available for Girls. Therefore, any student or parent wishing to send a child who do not belong to Girls gender should find another school apart from Kereri Girls High School.

Physical Location: Kiogoro in or near Kisii Town, Nyaribari Chache Constituency, Kisii County, Kenya
Postal Address: P.O. Box 300 – 40200 Kisii, Kenya

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