Kisii Bodaboda Association to hold Elections of its leaders October This year.

Jun 13, 2024 - 10:20
Jun 13, 2024 - 18:31
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Kisii Bodaboda Association to hold Elections of its leaders October This year.

The Kisii Bodaboda Association in Kisii County has announced elections for electing Bodaboda leaders on October 17, 2024. According to James Oroo, the chairman of Bodaboda, the law allows them to hold elections every three years.

The chief secretary of the Bodaboda Association has confirmed that they have informed all government stakeholders about the elections.

"Today, I met with my board members to remind them that the seats are currently vacant. As you know, according to Bodaboda law and constitution under Article 6B, Clause 1, we are required to conduct elections every three years," said the Bodaboda chairman.

The board has now requested the national and county governments to oversee the elections and provide any necessary support. They have also requested security from both governments as well as suitable grounds to conduct the elections.

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