MP Zaheer Jhanda provides food aidto less fortunate residentsin Nyaribari Chache

Jun 3, 2024 - 12:35
Jun 3, 2024 - 14:36
 0  8
MP Zaheer Jhanda provides food aidto less fortunate residentsin Nyaribari Chache

Nyaribari Chache Constituency Member of Parliament, Hon. Zaheer Jhanda, provided food aid to the needy residents of Taracha and Nyamemiso yesterday. During his visit, he also discussed development plans for the area.

This initiative is part of Jhanda's efforts to support the residents of Kisii County by distributing food items such as rice, beans, and bedding. Speaking at the event, Jhanda expressed his commitment to ensuring that no one in his constituency goes hungry.

"We have brought rice and beans, and we are here to help because I am the father of Nyaribari, and I am bringing food to my children. This food is excellent. I had the same rice and beans, and I couldn't wake up this morning because of how good it was," Jhanda said.

Jhanda also expressed his gratitude to the residents for their trust and support in electing him with a significant number of votes, which motivates his development efforts. He emphasized that he is working for everyone, regardless of whether they voted for him. Additionally, Jhanda discussed plans to ensure the availability of water and electricity in every household and promised to improve the roads.

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