Nyarenchi Foundation Empowering youths development at Marani

Jul 1, 2024 - 15:12
Jul 1, 2024 - 15:31
 0  31
Nyarenchi Foundation Empowering youths development at  Marani

A group of youths in Kiomooncha Marani ward, Kitutu Chache North constituency, Kisii county, received a substantial boost from a well-wisher yesterday. This act of kindness is set to bring not only immediate relief but also long-term benefits to the community.It also signifys a stride towards alleviating poverty and fostering development. 

Joshua Makori Nyarenchi, the benevolent donor, extended his support to the youth group by providing them with several essential resources. Among the contributions were chickens, which are expected to serve as a source of income and food security for the young beneficiaries.

Nyarenchi provided uniforms and a financial grant to the group's self-help initiatives, further equipping them to pursue their goals with renewed vigor and organization.

During the handover ceremony, the recipients expressed their heartfelt gratitude. Speaking on behalf of the group, several members conveyed their appreciation for the support received. They highlighted how these contributions would serve as a strong motivator, enabling them to work towards sustainable growth and self-sufficiency.

The provision of chickens, in particular, is seen as a strategic move, with the potential to improve their economic standing through poultry farming.

The uniforms symbolize unity and a sense of belonging among the group members, fostering a spirit of teamwork and collective effort. Meanwhile, the financial assistance will help in funding various projects aimed at uplifting their standards of living and creating more opportunities for development.

This gesture by Joshua Makori Nyarenchi is a testament to the power of community support and the impact of targeted aid in driving socio-economic progress. By empowering the youth of Kiomooncha Marani ward, Nyarenchi has not only provided immediate relief but also laid a foundation for enduring prosperity and self-reliance.

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