Agreement among Bodaboda riders at Transmara-Kenyenya Boarder

May 24, 2024 - 10:49
May 24, 2024 - 14:45
 0  30
Agreement among Bodaboda riders at Transmara-Kenyenya Boarder

Following concerns over a dispute regarding the Transmara and Kenyenya boundary among Bodaboda riders from those two areas, a meeting was held yesterday.

This meeting included Bodaboda leaders from Kenyenya and Transmara, peace representatives from both parties, and government officials to resolve the conflict. The dispute began over tax payments from the two groups.

Speaking to our Getembe TV and FM, Bodaboda riders from both sides assured us that they have reached an agreement to work together and ensure peace as they go about their daily activities.

"We agreed that the motorbikes that were restrained should be released and returned to their owners. We have committed to spreading peace from now on. As you can see, motorbikes have resumed their activities in both areas, and we have requested that peace should prevail," said one Bodaboda stakeholder.

Additionally, the Bodaboda riders have urged their counterparts not to succumb to propaganda from either side that could disrupt peace at the boundary.

"I as a former chairman of Kiango main stage, do not want to hear about propaganda happening elsewhere being brought to our stage in Kiango, where we had peace," said the former Kiango stage chairman.

The Bodaboda riders emphasized that what disrupts peace is ethnic division, which they have condemned. They encouraged all riders to work together harmoniously.

"We have spoken and reached an agreement between our Kisii and Narok county governments. We have decided to end the ongoing disagreement and unite as one people working together with love. For many days, we have worked as friends, and we condemn enmity," said one Bodaboda rider.

The Bodaboda riders also requested that government leaders and those in charge of the Bodaboda sector be readily available to resolve disputes promptly, as this can help ensure peace in the Transmara and Kenyenya boundary areas.

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