MPs and senators oppose salary increment and advocate for use of funds to aid citizens

Jul 4, 2024 - 13:20
Jul 4, 2024 - 15:54
 0  24
MPs and senators oppose salary increment and advocate for use of funds to aid citizens

In a rare display of unity, several Kenyan Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators have publicly opposed the recent salary increment announced by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). The lawmakers are calling for the funds to be redirected towards initiatives that benefit ordinary Kenyans, highlighting the economic challenges facing the country.

Daniel Manduku, the MP for Nyaribari Masaba, voiced his disapproval of the salary increment during an interview with Getembe Station Group. Manduku stated that, in his opinion, not only should the planned salary increase be halted, but there should also be a consideration for reducing the current salaries of lawmakers. He emphasized that such funds could be better utilized to address pressing issues affecting the Kenyan populace, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

Nominated Senator Essy Okenyuri from the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) echoed similar sentiments. She criticized the SRC's decision, arguing that it was insensitive to the plight of Kenyans who are struggling with high living costs and economic hardships. Okenyuri highlighted that the role of public servants should be to serve the interests of the people and not to enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers.

Nyali MP Mohamed Ali also weighed in on the issue, condemning the SRC's decision to increase lawmakers' salaries. Ali pointed out that the SRC has established standards and protocols for salary adjustments, and questioned the timing and necessity of the increment. He reminded the public that the decision was made last year, but argued that the current economic climate makes it unjustifiable to implement such an increase now.

The opposition to the salary increment is not limited to these three lawmakers. Many other MPs and Senators have expressed their dissatisfaction, suggesting that the SRC should reconsider its priorities. They argue that with the ongoing economic challenges, including high unemployment rates and inflation, the government should focus on policies and measures that directly benefit the people rather than increasing salaries for public officials.

The lawmakers' stance has garnered significant support from the public, who see it as a sign that their representatives are prioritizing their welfare. Citizens have taken to social media and other platforms to praise the MPs and Senators who have spoken out against the salary increment, urging other leaders to follow suit.

The unified call from Kenyan lawmakers to reject the salary increment and instead use the funds for public good reflects a growing awareness of the economic struggles faced by the citizens. It remains to be seen whether the SRC will heed these calls and revise its decision, but the message from the legislators is clear: the needs of the people must come first.

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