Honorable Jerusha Momanyi's support transforms bodaboda saccos in Gesima.

Jun 14, 2024 - 11:07
Jun 14, 2024 - 16:20
 0  14
Honorable Jerusha Momanyi's support transforms bodaboda saccos in Gesima.

In a heartfelt expression of gratitude, bodaboda riders from two Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (Saccos) in Gesima have thanked Honorable Jerusha Momanyi for her unwavering support through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF). This commendation comes on the heels of Hon. Jerusha Momanyi Ntogoro's strategic intervention to bolster the operations and welfare of various bodaboda Saccos in the region.

Hon. Momanyi, a notable figure in the community, has been instrumental in addressing the challenges faced by bodaboda riders. Recognizing the critical role these riders play in local transportation and the economy, she leveraged the NGAAF to provide much-needed assistance. This support has not only enhanced the operational capacity of the Saccos but also uplifted the livelihoods of many riders.

The National Government Affirmative Action Fund, which aims to promote equitable economic development and empower marginalized groups, found a fitting champion in Hon. Momanyi. Her decision to channel resources towards the bodaboda sector underscores her commitment to grassroots development and her understanding of the pressing needs within her constituency.

Leaders of the two Saccos praised Hon. Momanyi for her visionary leadership and practical support. They highlighted the transformative impact of her contributions, which have enabled them to purchase essential equipment, improve service delivery, and expand their reach. The funding has also facilitated training programs for the riders, enhancing their skills and safety awareness, which are crucial for their daily operations.

One of the Sacco leaders remarked, "Hon. Jerusha Momanyi has been a beacon of hope for us. Her support through the NGAAF has not only improved our livelihoods but has also given us a renewed sense of purpose and pride in our work."

The beneficiaries of this initiative, who often face financial and operational challenges, expressed their deep appreciation. They noted that the assistance has led to increased income stability and better working conditions, allowing them to provide more effectively for their families.

This positive development in Gesima highlights the potential of targeted interventions in uplifting community-based groups and fostering sustainable development. Hon. Momanyi's initiative serves as a model for leveraging government funds to create tangible, grassroots-level impact.

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