Parliament upholds school feeding program as ministry of finance is tasked with funding it

Jun 12, 2024 - 10:15
Jun 12, 2024 - 17:01
 0  12
Parliament upholds school feeding program as ministry of finance is tasked with funding it

In a recent development, members of parliament have decisively rejected the proposed removal of the school feeding program. The Committee of Implementation has reinforced the necessity of this initiative, emphasizing its crucial role in supporting the children who benefit from it.

During a parliamentary session, the committee articulated the importance of the school feeding program in ensuring that children receive at least one nutritious meal per day. This initiative has been instrumental in improving both attendance and academic performance in schools across the nation, particularly in underprivileged areas.

To ensure the program's continuity, the committee has directed the Ministry of Finance to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the program’s financial requirements. The ministry has been instructed to gather accurate data and develop a detailed database. This will provide a clear picture of the financial resources needed to sustain and potentially expand the program.

The decision underscores the government's commitment to child welfare and education. The Committee of Implementation stressed that eliminating the school feeding program would have dire consequences for many children who rely on it for their daily nutrition.

The Ministry of Finance will also need to collaborate with various stakeholders, including educational institutions, local governments, and non-governmental organizations, to collect and analyze data. This will involve assessing the current reach of the program, the cost per meal, and the total number of beneficiaries.

This initiative is seen as a critical investment in the nation's future, aiming to break the cycle of poverty by ensuring that children are healthy and capable of achieving their educational goals. The Ministry of Finance is expected to present its findings and funding proposals to parliament in the coming months.

The school feeding program will continue to operate under its current funding, ensuring that no child is left without a meal. The parliament's decision has been widely applauded by educators, parents, and child welfare advocates, who have long championed the program as a lifeline for many families.

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