Tea Farmers From Ogembo Tea Factory Rebuke Former Directors.

May 23, 2024 - 11:22
May 23, 2024 - 12:04
 0  19
Tea Farmers From Ogembo Tea Factory Rebuke Former Directors.

In a significant development at the Ogembo Tea Factory, a group of farmers has publicly condemned former directors, urging them not to run in the upcoming elections.

 During a meeting held outside the Tendere factory, the farmers expressed their dissatisfaction with the previous leadership, accusing them of causing more harm than good during their tenure.

The farmers articulated their grievances, highlighting that the former directors' actions had negatively impacted their livelihoods and the factory's overall performance.

"The previous leadership failed to deliver on their promises, and their tenure was marked by numerous challenges that set us back," one farmer stated. 

This sentiment was echoed by many others who attended the meeting, emphasizing the need for competent and effective leadership moving forward.

In contrast, the current directors received commendation for their efforts and the positive changes they have implemented since taking office. The farmers urged the community to allow the current directors more time to continue their work, citing improvements in factory operations and overall farmer welfare. 

 "The directors in office have shown a commitment to our well-being and have already made significant progress. They deserve our support and should be given the time to fulfill their vision," another farmer remarked.

In the Etangi zone, there was notable support for Job Ndarera, a local director. Farmers from this region have given him a strong endorsement to vie for a leadership position, reflecting their confidence in his capabilities and his previous contributions to their community.

 "Job Ndarera has consistently demonstrated his dedication to our cause. We believe he is the right person to lead us and address the challenges we face," a farmer from the Etangi zone commented.

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