Tragedy Strikes Manga village as family Seeks justice after fatal Hit-and-Run

May 28, 2024 - 09:44
May 28, 2024 - 19:34
 0  22
Tragedy Strikes Manga village as family Seeks justice after fatal Hit-and-Run
Amidst the gathering, her eyes tell a story of profound sorrow and quiet strength.

Manga village in Esise ward, Borabu constituency, Nyamira County, is enveloped in grief after a tragic incident claimed the life of a beloved community member. The victim, whose name has not been disclosed, was struck by a car at Rigoko area along the Kijauri-Manga road. The impact was fatal, and he lost his life instantly.

Eyewitnesses report that the car involved in the accident fled the scene immediately after the collision, leaving the victim's family and the local community in a state of shock and sorrow. Efforts to trace the vehicle and its driver have so far been unsuccessful, intensifying the family's anguish and their plea for justice.

The deceased leaves behind a grieving family, including children who now face an uncertain future without their primary breadwinner. The family is urgently appealing for justice to be served so they can lay their loved one to rest with dignity. 

Moreover, they seek assistance to support the deceased's orphans, ensuring they can continue their education despite the tragic loss.

Local leaders have been called upon to step in and provide the necessary support during this difficult time. The family hopes that community leaders and well-wishers will offer both emotional and financial assistance to help them navigate through their bereavement and secure the children's future.

As the community mourns this profound loss, there is a collective call for increased road safety measures to prevent such incidents from recurring. The tragic hit-and-run serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and accountability on the roads.

The family, along with the entire Manga village, is holding onto hope that justice will prevail, and the driver responsible for this heartbreaking incident will be brought to book. They urge anyone with information about the accident to come forward and assist in the ongoing investigation.

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