'Fred Nunda is mistreated by the county leadership' Lawyer Cliff Ombeta

May 28, 2024 - 08:51
May 28, 2024 - 19:57
 0  37
'Fred Nunda is mistreated by the county leadership' Lawyer Cliff Ombeta

Fred Nunda, who has been in jail for a year on murder charges, has complained about the progress of his case through his lawyer. His lawyer, Clive Ombeta, expressed his dissatisfaction, stating that Nunda has been wronged and that even those supposed to defend his rights have not spoken up.

Speaking outside the Kisii Law Courts, Ombeta mentioned that his appeal for Nunda’s release was not heard and was instead postponed.

 "I think I'm even a bit exhausted with this matter. It is a matter we thought we were coming to finalize. Fred Nunda has been treated very unfairly, not only by the county and its leadership but by the court as well. When the court tells you they consolidate the matter to save time, costs, and resources, whose constitutional right are we talking about? It’s not the court’s constitutional right; we are talking about the constitutional rights of the accused person," said Ombeta.

Ombeta also questioned how the court justifies using Section 135 for consolidation, arguing that the proceedings must adhere to Article 50. He highlighted the costs and the time Nunda has spent in custody for nearly a year, contrasting this with how others arrested recently have been brought to court and granted bond, with their cases consolidated.

Ombeta fearlessly stated that the court has not treated them well. He believes that without trust in the court, they are at risk. He also complained that when he tries to express their dissatisfaction and apply for bond due to a change of circumstances, the court responds that other matters are scheduled to be heard. This leads Ombeta to question the time allocated to their case.

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