Kiemenyinga Tea farmers demand leadership change

Jun 26, 2024 - 13:07
Jun 26, 2024 - 16:21
 0  13
Kiemenyinga Tea farmers demand leadership change

Farmers from the Kiemenyinga tea buying center in Gesusu Ward, Nyaribari Masaba, have voiced their dissatisfaction with the current directors of the Kiamokama tea factory. They accuse the current leadership of failing to address the needs of the farmers and have pledged to elect new directors who will prioritize their interests.

The farmers have particularly condemned the existing directors in office, stating that their leadership has been detrimental to the progress and prosperity of tea farming in the area. Their grievances include mismanagement, lack of transparency, and failure to implement policies that benefit the farmers.

The farmers believe that the current leadership's ineffectiveness has hindered the growth and potential of the tea industry in Gesusu Ward.

The farmers have therefore rallied behind Abel Morang'a Obonyo, endorsing him as their preferred candidate for the director position.

Abel Morang'a Obonyo has assured the farmers that, if elected, he will bring about positive changes and work diligently to enhance tea farming in the region.

He has promised to address the issues raised by the farmers, including improving management practices, ensuring transparency, and implementing strategies to boost tea production and profitability.

The farmers are optimistic about Abel Morang'a Obonyo's potential to lead the Kiamokama tea factory towards a more prosperous future.

They believe that his leadership will foster a more farmer-centric approach, focusing on the welfare and development of the tea farmers in Gesusu Ward. The upcoming election is seen as a crucial opportunity for the farmers to make their voices heard and to bring about the change they desire in the leadership of the tea factory.

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