IEBC Prepares leaders for tea factory directors elections in Kisii county

Jun 26, 2024 - 13:05
Jun 26, 2024 - 16:23
 0  9
IEBC Prepares leaders  for tea factory directors elections in Kisii county

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has initiated a comprehensive training program for leaders who will oversee the upcoming elections of tea factory directors in Kisii County. This preparation is crucial to ensure a smooth and transparent electoral process.

Speaking at a training session, Hilder Imbo, an election official at the Kiamokama factory, emphasized the importance of proper voter identification. "Farmers who will be voting need to prepare themselves with their identification cards and tea slips," she stated. This measure is aimed at verifying the eligibility of voters and maintaining the integrity of the election process.

The elections are set to take place at various tea buying centers strategically selected across different zones within the county. This decentralized approach is expected to facilitate easier access for farmers, ensuring a higher turnout and more representative results.

During the training, Omweno Ombasa, a board member of the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA), took the opportunity to address the participants.

He discussed the elections for the chairpersons of the buying centers, underscoring their significance in the overall governance structure of the tea industry. Ombasa highlighted the roles and responsibilities of these chairpersons, emphasizing the need for capable and committed individuals to lead the centers.

The training sessions by IEBC are a part of a broader effort to enhance the democratic processes within the tea sector. By equipping the leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge, the commission aims to foster a fair and efficient electoral process that reflects the will of the tea farmers.

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