Car Theft Ring Smashed in Nairobi as DCI Buruburu Cracks Down on Notorious Syndicate

The DCI Buruburu, along with CRIB and KPS officers, have dismantled a major car theft ring in Nairobi. Stolen vehicles, including a Toyota Ractis, were found being dismantled at the suspect's residence.

Jun 17, 2024 - 16:19
 0  11
Car Theft Ring Smashed in Nairobi as DCI Buruburu Cracks Down on Notorious Syndicate
The prime suspect, Salesio Njagi Kiura who was arrested by the DCI.

In a high-stakes operation that unfolded in Nairobi's Kamulu area, detectives from DCI Buruburu, CRIB, and KPS officers from Kamulu Police Station successfully dismantled a notorious car theft ring. The crackdown, which followed a report of a stolen vehicle, has led to the recovery of several stolen cars and the arrest of a key suspect.

The investigation kicked off on June 10, 2024, when DCI Buruburu received a report regarding the theft of a Toyota Ractis, registration number KDJ 366C, stolen from Umoja Innercore. The owner discovered the car missing moments after parking it. Leveraging actionable intelligence, a team of hawk-eyed CRIB detectives from Nairobi Regional Headquarters, along with DCI Buruburu and KPS officers, traced the stolen vehicle to a residence along Josna Road in Kamulu.

At the suspect's home, the stolen Toyota Ractis was found in the process of being dismantled, suggesting a highly organized operation aimed at disassembling and possibly reassembling vehicles for illicit purposes. The detectives documented the scene meticulously, ensuring every detail was captured for the ensuing legal process.

The raid revealed a trove of other stolen vehicles inside the same gated compound. Among the recovered vehicles were:

  • A blue Mazda Demio, Reg. No. KCW 831N
  • A silver Toyota Ractis, Reg. No. KDB 216T
  • A silver Suzuki Mira, Reg. No. KDB 308P
  • A white Toyota Passo, Reg. No. KCW 346L (originally blue, but repainted)

One of the vehicles, recovered from the suspect's gated home.

The presence of these vehicles indicates a broader network of theft and illegal car modifications. The suspect, believed to be a key figure in the syndicate, was apprehended at the scene.

This successful operation underscores the relentless efforts by the DCI Buruburu and associated law enforcement units to curb car theft in Nairobi. All recovered vehicles were towed to Buruburu Police Station for further forensic examination and to aid in the ongoing investigations.

The bust has not only disrupted a major car theft operation but also serves as a stern warning to other criminal elements operating in Nairobi. The DCI Buruburu continues to call on the public for cooperation and to report any suspicious activities to aid in the fight against crime.

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