Couple Detained for Allegedly Killing Their One-Year-Old Child in Miranga Bokinami

Jun 4, 2024 - 08:58
Jun 4, 2024 - 16:18
 0  29
Couple Detained for Allegedly Killing Their One-Year-Old Child in Miranga Bokinami

A couple from Miranga Bokinami, Nyagiki sub-location, Sameta sub-county, is currently detained at Itumbe Police Station on accusations of killing their one-year-and-one-month-old child. According to reports, the husband had gone out for his daily bodaboda work when the incident occurred. The accused wife claimed that her husband had instructed her to strangle the child. The family has requested a brain examination for the wife to determine whether she was sane at the time of the act.

The mother-in-law of the accused woman recounted the events, stating, "My daughter-in-law killed her child while I was at the buying center. When I returned, I prepared lunch and then heard her tell her husband to see the child in the house before she started running away. I had to catch her. The husband went to report the incident, and the chief confirmed that the child had died. The assistant chief was called, and they summoned the police, who took the deceased child."

Speaking to our station, the family revealed that the couple had been married for only two months. The wife had entered the marriage with the child, and the family is now puzzled as to why they would kill the child without any apparent reason. They also expressed concern, as the husband is their only son, whom they relied on to continue the family lineage.

The mother-in-law confirmed that she had no issues with her daughter-in-law and that both she and her son were busy with their respective work. The family, neighbors, and residents are now appealing to the government to initiate an investigation into the tragic incident and its causes. They also urged families to find better ways to address their issues rather than resorting to killing their children.

The couple is detained and will be taken to court to face charges of murder.

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