Kisii University Leads Tree Planting Initiative to Support National Reforestation Goals.

Jun 3, 2024 - 09:03
Jun 3, 2024 - 14:10
 0  9
Kisii University Leads Tree Planting Initiative to Support National Reforestation Goals.

In an effort to contribute to the Kenyan government's goal of planting 15 billion trees by 2030, Kisii University, in collaboration with Kisii Television, the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, and the National Research Fund, has planted 3,000 trees. This initiative is part of the university's broader objective to plant 7,000 trees. 

The tree planting took place at Nyosia 1 in Bobaracho Ward, Nyaribari Chache Constituency, at the Kisii University branch. One participant commented, "There is one big thing we came to do here, and that is planting trees and teaching each other how those trees are planted and taken care of. We have planted approximately 2,000 trees here at Kisii University - Nyosia Campus."

The planters also emphasized the importance of environmental preservation and stressed that it is the responsibility of every member of the public to plant and take care of trees in our environment.

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