MCA Monyenye Yoge calms down chaos between Constructers at Kisii central church and Business owners

Jun 18, 2024 - 09:36
Jun 19, 2024 - 12:14
 0  30
MCA Monyenye Yoge calms down chaos between Constructers at Kisii central church and Business owners

A disagreement erupted today near the Kisii Central Adventist Church, where builders constructing a new gate for the church clashed with local businesspeople who had kiosks near the construction area.

According to the businesspeople, they had previously reached an agreement with the church regarding how the construction would proceed. However, it appeared that the builders had acted contrary to this agreement.

The situation escalated to the point where Kisii Central Member of County Assembly (MCA) Hon. Wilfred Monyenye had to intervene.

He arrived at the scene to mediate the dispute, urging both the church and the businesspeople to resolve their differences peacefully.

The businesspeople expressed frustration, stating that their businesses had been halted for nearly a week due to the gate construction.

They claimed that the agreement they had made with the church was deliberately disregarded, which prompted them to take action to defend their interests. Furthermore, they said they were unaware of who had instructed them to remove their kiosks.

In addition, the businesspeople complained that the construction of the gate was encroaching on their land without prior notice, and contrary to the agreed-upon terms.

They accused the church of disrespectfully exploiting their resources. The MCA condemned the actions of the Kisii Central Adventist Church, emphasizing that there had been an agreement to proceed with the construction according to the original plan.

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