Honorable Peter Otachi vows continued support for bodaboda riders in Monyerero ward

May 31, 2024 - 10:18
May 31, 2024 - 14:10
 0  23
Honorable Peter Otachi vows continued support for bodaboda riders in Monyerero ward

In a spirited commitment to uplift the livelihoods of bodaboda riders, Hon. Peter Otachi, the Member of County Assembly (MCA) of Monyerero Ward, has reiterated his dedication to supporting this vital community. Speaking at Ragogo during the inauguration of a new Sacco for the bodaboda riders, Hon. Otachi emphasized the importance of self-improvement and road safety among the riders.

The event marked a significant milestone for the bodaboda community, symbolizing unity and a shared vision for better economic opportunities. Hon. Otachi praised the formation of the Sacco, highlighting it as a strategic step towards financial empowerment and stability for the riders. “This Sacco is not just a financial institution; it is a beacon of hope and a tool for economic progress,” he stated.

Hon. Otachi underscored the critical role bodaboda riders play in the local economy. He assured them of his unwavering support in providing resources and opportunities for growth. "My office is always open to address your needs and challenges. We will continue to invest in initiatives that enhance your skills, safety, and overall well-being," he promised.

The MCA urged the bodaboda riders to exercise caution and adhere to traffic regulations to ensure their safety and that of their passengers. “Safety on the roads is paramount. I urge all of you to be vigilant and responsible while riding. Your safety and that of others depend on it,” he cautioned.

Hon. Otachi also highlighted various developmental projects underway in Monyerero Ward, aimed at improving infrastructure and public services. He mentioned the ongoing construction of new roads, the enhancement of healthcare facilities, and the upgrading of local schools. “Development is a collective effort, and I am committed to ensuring that Monyerero Ward receives its fair share of progress,” he affirmed.

The launch of the bodaboda Sacco and the MCA’s pledges reflect a broader commitment to community-driven development and economic empowerment. Hon. Otachi’s proactive approach in addressing the needs of bodaboda riders and other constituents underscores his dedication to fostering a prosperous and safe environment for all.

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