Kenyan Celebrities' take on the Finance Bill

Jun 14, 2024 - 12:49
Jun 14, 2024 - 17:23
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Kenyan Celebrities' take on the Finance Bill

The finance bill has raised a lot of concerns among Kenyans.Some of the Kenyan influencers and celebrities have also addressed on the issue on their social media platforms while others haven’t.

Among the many who posted were TV 47 presenter Betty Kyalo, musician Willy Paul,,Rapper Maandy and others.

Willy Paul criticized other celebrities for not supporting Kenyans in opposing the bill.”Maceleb wenu kwenu waoga.Yaani wote wanaogopa kusema na ukweli? Wow!! I think I’ve like 4 celebrities rejecting the bill.Wengine wote wa nangoja kukiss a*** wapewe Kazi.Hamuezi tetea mafans Wenye wananunua Muziki yenu?Watatoa wapi pesa ya kustream??”

Willy Paul wrote on his insta stories. The musician who had previously announced that he will be relocating to Germany did not hesitate to be on the Kenyans side!

On the other hand, Betty wrote, “A BIG NO to the finance bill 2024.We have closed businesses, we are ailing economically as a country. We don’t need any more suffering. We need support from our government not torment.”

Kenyans have also taken a step ahead and texted and called MPs such as Hon.Salasya requesting him to represent them well in opposing the bill.

“Who has shared my number on X everybody across the nation is calling my number, texting me, and WhatsApping me,”he said.

Many Kenyan have also shared the “OPPOSE THE BILL” motto across their insta stories.


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