Leaders unite at Kebirigo Parish to discuss Nyamira's leadership issues

May 27, 2024 - 10:42
May 27, 2024 - 13:57
 0  21
Leaders unite at Kebirigo Parish to discuss Nyamira's leadership issues

Yesterday, Kebirigo Parish in Borabu Ward, Nyamira County, was the focal point of a significant gathering as various local leaders attended a church service and subsequently engaged in discussions about the county's leadership. 

The event saw the participation of Hon. Enock Okero, a notable figure in the region, and former Borabu Member of Parliament, Ben Momanyi. The assembly highlighted pressing concerns regarding governance and leadership in Nyamira County, with pointed criticisms directed at the current administration.

During the service, the leaders took time to address the congregation, emphasizing the need for unity and better leadership to propel Nyamira forward. Hon. Enock Okero, in his remarks, underscored the importance of collective effort and the role of community leaders in fostering development and addressing the residents' needs.

Former MP Ben Momanyi delivered a particularly impassioned speech, where he openly condemned the leadership of Nyamira's current governor, Hon. Amos Nyaribo. Momanyi expressed his dissatisfaction with Nyaribo's administration, citing a lack of effective governance and inadequate development initiatives. He called for a more accountable and transparent leadership that prioritizes the welfare of Nyamira's citizens.

Momanyi's critique of Governor Nyaribo's tenure was met with nods of agreement from several attendees, indicating a shared concern among the local populace. He stressed the necessity for leaders who are committed to improving infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other critical sectors within the county.

The gathering at Kebirigo Parish served not only as a religious congregation but also as a platform for civic engagement and political discourse. It underscored the church's role as a communal space where societal issues are addressed, and solutions are sought collaboratively.

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