Gianchore Factory chairperson urges peaceful voting in the upcoming elections.

Jun 14, 2024 - 11:04
Jun 14, 2024 - 16:10
 0  12
Gianchore Factory chairperson urges peaceful voting in the upcoming elections.

Thomas Nyandieka, the chairperson of Gianchore factory and director of the West Mugirango zone, has made a passionate appeal to farmers ahead of the upcoming elections.

Nyandieka, who is also a candidate for the Directorate seat, emphasized the importance of a peaceful and robust voter turnout.

In his recent address, Nyandieka highlighted the critical role that a serene electoral process plays in ensuring fair and democratic outcomes. He urged farmers to exercise their right to vote without succumbing to intimidation or violence. 

"It's advisable that we maintain peace and respect throughout the voting period," Nyandieka stated. "Our community's strength lies in our ability to come together and make decisions in a harmonious manner."

Nyandieka also stressed the necessity of high voter participation, pointing out that every vote contributes to the collective voice of the farming community. He encouraged farmers to come out in large numbers, underscoring the impact of their participation on the future direction of their representation. 

"Your vote is your voice," he remarked. "By participating in the elections, you ensure that your interests and concerns are represented and addressed."

As both the chairperson of Gianchore factory and the director of the West Mugirango zone, Nyandieka has been instrumental in advocating for the needs and rights of farmers. His dual roles have provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the agricultural sector. 

His candidacy for the Directorate seat is driven by a commitment to continue advancing the welfare of farmers through effective leadership and advocacy. Nyandieka reassured the farming community that all necessary measures are being taken to ensure that the elections are conducted fairly and transparently. He expressed confidence in the electoral system's ability to uphold integrity and deliver credible results.

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