Tea Farmers urged to elect visionary leaders ahead of crucial director elections.

Jun 14, 2024 - 11:05
Jun 14, 2024 - 16:14
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Tea Farmers urged to elect visionary leaders ahead of crucial director elections.

As the elections for the directors of tea farmers approach, set to take place at the end of this month, a wave of advocacy and guidance is sweeping through the farming communities.

Leaders from various zones are stepping forward to advise the tea farmers on the importance of choosing the right candidates,leaders who are not only visionary but also dedicated to the welfare of the farmers.

David Ratemo Osoro, a prominent figure from the Keumbu zone, has been particularly vocal about the need for transparency and integrity among the leaders. In his recent address to the farmers, Osoro emphasized the critical role that leadership plays in the development and prosperity of the tea farming sector.

"Transparency within the leadership is paramount," Osoro stated, urging the farmers to look beyond mere promises and to scrutinize the past actions and achievements of the candidates.

He pointed out that leaders who prioritize the farmers' needs and are committed to their welfare should be the ones given the mandate.

Osoro's message is a clear call for the farmers to be vigilant and proactive in their decision-making process. He highlighted that the future of tea farming in the region lies on electing directors who have a clear vision for the sector's growth and who can navigate the challenges that lie ahead. According to Osoro, these leaders should be capable of implementing policies that enhance productivity, ensure fair pricing, and promote sustainable farming practices.

The upcoming elections are seen as a pivotal moment for the tea farming community. With the global tea market becoming increasingly competitive, local leaders have a significant responsibility to ensure that the farmers are not left behind.

The right leadership can provide the necessary support and create opportunities for the farmers to thrive.

Osoro also called for unity among the farmers. He urged them to set aside personal differences and to come together in support of candidates who have demonstrated a genuine commitment to the community's development.

"The strength of our community lies in our unity," Osoro declared. "We must work together to elect leaders who will serve our interests and lead us towards a prosperous future."

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