Sensi MCA rebuilds home for struggling family

May 28, 2024 - 09:41
May 28, 2024 - 18:15
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In the village of Getembe, located in Sensi Ward of Kitutu Chache North Constituency, one family has been facing a heart-wrenching struggle. Their once-sturdy home has deteriorated over the years, succumbing to the relentless forces of nature. The state of their house has reached a critical point where they are now exposed to the elements, enduring rainfall within their own walls.

Amidst this dire situation, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of the Sensi Member of County Assembly (MCA), Onchong'a Nyagaka. Demonstrating profound empathy and community spirit, MCA Nyagaka volunteered to rebuild the family's home, providing them with a sanctuary free from the hardships of their crumbling abode.

Sensi MCA, Onchong'a Nyagaka

The family's response to this generous act was one of overwhelming joy and gratitude. They expressed heartfelt thanks to MCA Nyagaka, praising his benevolence and asking him to continue his altruistic endeavors. "We are overjoyed and cannot express how grateful we are for this act of kindness. MCA Nyagaka has not only given us a new home but also renewed our hope and faith in community support," said a family member.

This touching story highlights the essential role of local leaders in addressing the immediate needs of their constituents, particularly in times of distress.

MCA Nyagaka's initiative is a shining example of how elected officials can extend their mandate beyond legislative duties to include tangible actions that directly improve the lives of those they serve. His willingness to step in and provide for a family in need underscores a commitment to service that goes beyond mere words.

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